Dr Laura Richardson

Nutritional Therapist

Medical Doctor

Health Coach

Weight Loss Adviser

BSc (Hons) MB BChir MRCGP


I’m  Laura – a UK trained certified Nutritional Therapist, Health Coach, Weight loss adviser and Medical Doctor with over 30 years experience of working in the NHS. I also have a Science degree in Physiology. I am passionate about helping people understand how to achieve their optimum health. I have been challenged over the years professionally and personally by the way my own and clients/ patients’ thoughts and habits influence their ability to achieve and maintain great health. I have walked through situations and learnt keys to overcome and stay strong and healthy in body and mind. There’s no better person to help you through a situation than one who has been through and overcome it themselves.


2 Corinthians 1:4 Who comforts and encourages us in every trouble so that we will be able to comfort and encourage those who are in any kind of trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God


I grew up eating home grown fresh organic food. We grew all manner of vegetables and fruit, and kept free range chickens in our garden. I am eternally grateful to my Mum for such a wonderful start in life. Thanks Mum!


However, when I became a busy GP (Family Doctor) in my 30’s and had to leave home due to work, I became fully responsible for the preparation and content of my own meals. Things soon took a nutritional and health nose dive. My weight fluctuated unbelievably (watch the video below for evidence). Emotional eating was my way of coping with stress, hormones, rejection and heartache. I did not prioritise exercise. All the local Take away services knew my favourite items on their menu. I was alone without Mum, husband or children to create and provide balance or boundaries to my life. Being on the “frontline” meant that I was constantly exposed to disease, and my hectic lifestyle with no time to eat or rest properly took a toll on my health. I was well set on my way for life as a walking-talking-emotional-roller coaster-hormonal-adrenaline junkie!


Until one day, my Mum gave me something amazing! She gave me a book called “Back to Eden”. This started the journey of transformation in my mind and eventually my lifestyle and habits, to better health all round.

My weight has been steady consistently for over 12 years (current weight 59 kg), and when the old weight gain trigger factors try to rear their unwanted heads, I have learnt how to love myself first, how to think, eat and live healthy, with a healthy mindset, a healthy outlook and a healthy response to the same triggers that used to defeat me in the past. I am fitter, more agile, more flexible than when I was 20 years younger!

It would give me no greater pleasure than to help you do the same.

I am here to help you,  Looking forward to connecting with you!