Nutrition & Weight Loss




Ongoing vague symptoms could be indications of nutritional deficiencies. As a level 5 certified Nutritional Therapist, I can help you identify your nutritional  deficiencies and provide a personalised diet plan to correct these deficiencies, monitor your progress and optimise your health, using scientifically backed assessment tools.

Price plan –  £60 for a 90 minute Nutritional  Consultation and Assessment – Detailed history taking, assessment, recommendations for diet and supplemental changes and  1x follow up after 4 weeks

Additional Nutritional Therapy support – £30 for a half hour consultation

*Please note that Nutritional Therapy is not intended to replace  medical advice, and if any ‘red flag’ symptoms arise,  you will be advised to seek help from and in some instances referred to a medical professional.


Weight Loss

Being healthy is not simply about being the right weight and looking good in jeans. Excessive weight contributes irrefutably to certain illnesses. Chronic diseases and conditions like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, osteoarthritis, delayed recovery from infections, digestive disorders, sleep apnoea, some cancers and even susceptibility and mortality from covid 19 are directly attributed to carrying excess weight


I hope my personal “weight off and stay off” journey has inspired you to do the same, and that you believe I can help you to achieve this. My 18 year struggle and victory won’t be wasted!  (See my timeline video below!)

Do you want to be the healthiest version of you that you have ever been, no matter how old you are? It’s  never too late to jump on the health train!

I am here to listen to, advise and encourage you on your journey.

All you have to do is book your time slot for your initial consultation below to start you on your journey in making life changing choices that you will never regret. You can then select one of the plans to suit your needs

Looking forward to connecting with you!

The Plans

Pre Flight Check (Initial Consultation)

Your first step. Let’s find out what your goals are, where you are at, and whether we are right for each other on this journey. We lay the ground work for success here. It’s absolutely free and non obligatory either way, but If you decide to go ahead, you will pay a £30 administrative fee to get you started. Once we have agreed to work together, we get to the nitty gritty.  This involves a video call to obtain your full medical and social history, iron out consent and data protection issues, and we set goals for your success.

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”- Benjamin Franklin

Price – £FREE


You have had your initial appointment and want to go ahead. We now need to take a £30 deposit and book a fact finding appointment so we can get you on the path to your personal goals. Just click the link below to book your next appointment.

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”- Benjamin Franklin

Price – £30

FEATHER  (A 4 week programme with 3 support days built in each week)

You might choose this option if  you want to lose weight for a special occasion. If you need to lose under 1 stone (6.3kg) and are motivated and committed, you can do it! This is a personalised diet and exercise plan created for you, with three weekly support days. You can then choose to join the Winners Support Group or Winners Solo Support so the weight stays off. Or you can decide just to book an “SOS” top up plan as the need arises so that you don’t regain the weight you lost. This plan is for 4 weeks only.

Price plan – £100 or 2 instalments of £50

LIFT (A 12 week programme with 3 support days built in each week)

This plan would suit you if you have more weight to lose and you need the time in which to do it. A realistic, sustainable and gentle approach is needed. A personalised diet and exercise plan will be created for you, with three support days each week.  You can then choose to join the Winners Support Group or Winners Solo Support so the weight stays off and you continue  to benefit from your new improved health status; or simply opt for the SOS plan as the need arises. It’s always your choice, and no pressure. This plan is for 12 weeks and the cycle can be repeated if needed.

Plan price – £240 or 3 instalments of £80

SPRING (A 12 week programme with 3 support days built in each week)
This plan gives you all the benefits of the Lift plan, plus a built in evidence- based follow up for 3 months after completing the plan; once weekly for the 1st month, and then fortnightly for the 2nd and 3rd months. You also benefit from automatic access to the fortnightly Winners Support Group for 3 months after this. This gives you an inclusive total of 6 months support to help you establish and re-enforce your new way of life. Of course, you can choose  not to participate in the Winners Support Group, or you may decide to continue after the 6 inclusive months are up, using the monthly payment option. The choice is yours!

Plan price – £300 or 3 instalments of £100

SOAR (A 16 week programme with 5 support days each week)


This plan gives you all you get in the Spring plan, plus an additional 2 days support per week  (total of 5 days per week, excluding Sundays), the follow up sessions and automatic access to the Winners Support Group for 6 months after this if you should choose to. So you get an inclusive total package of 9 months support to help you fully establish your new “go- to”, default way of doing things. Of course, you can choose to stay on in the Winners Support Group after the 9 months, using the monthly payment option.


Plan price – £480 or 4 instalments of £120



WINNERS SUPPORT GROUP (A fortnightly support group)

You have achieved your heath goals with Feather, Light, Spring or Soar. You have had your 3 or 6 months inclusive support, you are visibly lighter and brighter and you don’t want to slip back into unhealthy habits. This is an exclusive but informal group of no more than 6 successful “YHUers” per group, who want to connect and support each other with tips on how to keep going on their healthy journey. This forum lasts 90 minutes and happens every fortnight.

“Iron sharpens iron”  Proverbs 27:17. 

 Plan price  £15 / month


WINNERS SOLO SUPPORT (Fortnightly One to One sessions)

It’s easy to lose weight and enjoy a healthier way of life. The hard part is maintaining it. If you would rather not interact in a group setting, this one’s for you. Once you have finished your plan, you choose to have a half hour call every fortnight for support, feedback, encouragement and problem solving.

Plan price: £25 / month

 SOS (A pick-you-up for when you fall)

 You did one of the plans, you felt confident to carry on solo, but life happens, unexpected  situations arise.  You just need someone who knows you and  can help you through this challenge to get back on track. The SOS is a call for support, which can be up to an hour. This is usually all it takes, but you have the option of rebooking SOS sessions or joining a Winner’s Support Group.


Price – £30